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Shadowplay at The Pegasus Theatre - April 2022
Just thought I'd get in touch to say I brought my eight-year-old twin daughters along to your show at the Pegasus on Saturday, and we thought it was great - particularly enjoyed the Loch Ness Monster. Your puppets are beautiful and the girls have been plotting their first steps into the shadowpuppetry game over the last few days - we're going to experiment with an anglepoise lamp and a sheet at the weekend.
Shadowplay at St Aloysius Primary School, Oxford (December 2013)
It was absolutely brilliant- so funny and entertaining. The children loved it. It was so refreshingly un-schooly and imaginative.
Shadowplay - performances and workshops at The Apex - Bury St Edmunds - April 2012
We all loved your show very much! Donny has recreated the cow scene many times today!! The girls are going to make a shadow show with their friends as they have been inspired, thankyou!!!
Kim (of Tallulah Buttons)
Comments for Show at Springfield Primary (January 2011)
Thank you for performing your outstanding puppet show to our school. Everyone loved it. Our favourite part was your funny song 'galoo Galumbo'. At the end of your show when you showed us your puppets it is really going to help us make our puppets. Once again, thank you for coming in.
Andrew and Thomas year 5.
Thank you for showing us your Shadow Play show. It was really magical and I have never seen a shadow puppet play before. I couldn't believe how many pupppets you had. I liked the way the show was lots of short sketches and my favourite part was the strange story of the witch and the animals on the cold night. It was funny! We are now developing our own Jack and the Beanstalk play.
Class JG Springfield Primary School
Comments on Shadowplay (performance - July 2010) :
I really enjoyed your show this afternoon and pleased for you that so many people turned up. It was fresh and original so congratulations. i think I liked the farm animals best and i can see there were some wonderful surreal undertones lurking. Maybe the witch could be badder.
I so enjoyed your show. (My friend) thought your characters were great and not made into caricatures. You held a difficult audience with panache.
(Shadowplay) was great fun with a very special atmosphere and execution. Specially loved the zany transmogrifications experienced by some of the characters.